Acupuncture Canada


Research Articles

Acupuncture Canada members have access to the latest research through Medical Acupuncture: The Official Journal of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Access the content of the journal through this link:

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We remind you that you are being given access as a member of Acupuncture Canada, and that the journal articles, editorials, graphs, etc. should not be shared with non-members, whether they are colleagues, personal acquaintances or other professionals in the field etc.



  1. Current Trends in Acupuncture Research
    From analgesic effect of acupuncture to physiological function of brain, acupuncture researches have made their own mark on scientific world. Download full article
  2. Acupuncture for Cancer Patients: Practice and Research
    Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves inserting and manipulating filiform needles in predefined points on the skin (i.e., acupuncture points) to achieve therapeutic effect. Download full article

Research Links

  1. Canadian Interdisciplinary Network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research
  2. CAMline:
  3. Medline Plus-Acupuncture:
  4. National Institutes of Health:
  5. CAM at the NIH:
  6. The Cochrane Library:,
  7. PubMed:
  8. Medline Plus:
  9. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Specialist Library NHS, UK:
  10. International Society for Complementary Medicine Research

Evidence-based Practice

  1. The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Pain Management has produced a publication on the scientific evidence for treatments aimed at treating acute pain. It is available at:
  2. AcuBriefs-search for references on acupuncture:
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