Our Commitment
We are committed to ensuring the safe, professional practice of acupuncture. Eligibility to our education program is restricted to accredited and regulated health care professionals. The following key content is emphasized in their training and development:
Accurate Diagnosis
Accurate diagnosis is particularly important since inappropriate acupuncture treatments may alleviate symptoms that indicate a condition requiring medical attention.
History and referral
All of our trained practitioners are expected to take a thorough medical history and to conduct an appropriate physical examination before proceeding with treatment. When appropriate they are expected to refer patients for diagnosis to another health care professional.
Infection prevention
Acupuncture Canada practitioners use single-use (disposable) sterile acupuncture needles.
Competency-based training
All of our students are practitioners whose professional training included anatomy. Acupuncture Canada enhances that training by addressing it to the practical and specific purposes of acupuncture.
Treatment Evaluation
The patient’s health and wellbeing is always paramount.
Our practitioners are trained to look for a specified range of results from their patient’s acupuncture treatment. If they are not satisfied with the observed results they will refer their patient to a practitioner whose practice they identify as better suited to their patient’s condition.
Acupuncture as an integrated health service
Acupuncture complements other health care practices and plays a unique role in health and healing for a full range of symptoms.
Acupuncture Canada is a leader in acupuncture education and a key advisor on acupuncture research and service provision. As a membership organization it supports and encourages the integration of acupuncture across all health services in Canada by:
- Authorizing the professional regulator to provide acupuncture services.
- Ensuring the proper use of protected titles.
- Requiring that its acupuncture-trained practitioners adhere to Acupuncture Canada’s Code of Professional Practice.