Acupuncture Canada




Acupuncture Canada offers educational certification programs with a variety of courses for regulated health professionals ranging from introductory courses to advanced courses, to courses that teach Traditional Chinese Medicine assessment and treatment. Some courses take place onsite with hands-on workshops only, some combine online and onsite training, and we also deliver webinars.

Who Can Take Our Courses?

The following health professionals are eligible to take training with Acupuncture Canada:

  • physicians
  • dentists
  • physiotherapists
  • chiropractors
  • acupuncturists
  • TCM doctors
  • TCM practitioners
  • baccalaureate-level registered nurses
  • occupational therapists
  • naturopathic doctors
  • osteopathic physicians (US only)
  • registered massage therapists *

*ON, NB and NL massage therapists are regulated and have acupuncture in their scope of practice. Those provincial colleges have standards of practice for acupuncture. Massage therapists in some non-regulated provinces are eligible to take our training subject to these three conditions:

    • Proof of malpractice insurance that includes coverage for unsupervised needling.
    • Proof of graduation from a massage therapy school that is aligned with  national, regulated competencies as outlined by FOMTRAC.
    • Membership in a provincial massage therapy association.

Additionally, like regulated provinces’ standards, non-regulated massage therapists must complete the requirements of the ACC Level 1 designation.

Are You New to Acupuncture?

Explore our Core Program

Acupuncture Canada offers a training program for regulated healthcare professionals who want to integrate acupuncture into their practice. The Core Program consists of four courses that introduce you to acupuncture through a western-based anatomical or medical approach, along with an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts.

Anatomical acupuncture bridges the gap between TCM and Western medicine. It is based on Western ideas on anatomy, physiology and diagnosis. It requires a thorough understanding of the anatomy related to the various acupuncture points, as points are chosen based on anatomy and physiology of the problems being treated.

The four courses in the Core Program are:

Foundations of Anatomical Acupuncture (AA1)

Clinical Applications in Anatomical Acupuncture (AA2)

Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine (BTCM)

Advanced Applications in Acupuncture (AA3)

All four courses combine online and hands-on learning.

Our online component delivers a rich multimedia environment that engages students with narrated PowerPoint presentations, 3D animations, videos and case presentations provided by expert faculty. Designed to deliver an optimum learning experience for our students it is structured so that we can pace and assess students throughout the weekly format, and prepare students for our onsite, hands-on sessions. The onsite workshops are conducted in small groups. Practical instruction in based around the extensive practice of needle technique.

Regulatory bodies across Canada, and elsewhere, have a variety of standards in place before a health professional can practice acupuncture.

Acupuncture Canada’s Core Program is purposefully flexible to allow professional to complete the training required by their regulator for entry to practice. If you have questions about what training you need to take, it is best to contact your regulator. And then, please feel free to ask us how our program can help you reach your training goals.

Are You An Experienced Practitioner?

As an experienced healthcare practitioner, you have already seen that acupuncture is a beneficial treatment for a variety of conditions. Acupuncture Canada is regularly adding continuing education courses to our schedule – courses such as The Acupuncture Refresher Course and Rapid Pain Reduction. Stay up-to-date on new opportunities by using the subscribe button on the left-hand side of this page. We’ll keep you updated on courses, other resources and research.

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