Acupuncture Canada


Member Policy

Eligibility Requirement


Physicians, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, TCM doctors, TCM practitioners, baccalaureate-level registered nurses, occupational therapists, naturopathic doctors and registered massage therapists are eligible for membership and to take our training.

Applicants must be licensed to practice their profession within any Canadian jurisdiction and be in good standing, as well as have acupuncture within their scope of practice. Applicants should provide proof of their credentials such as a current copy of their College license registration card.

Outside Canada

Physicians, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, TCM doctors, TCM practitioners, baccalaureate-level registered nurses, occupational therapists, naturopathic doctors and registered massage therapists who reside outside Canada.

Applicants must satisfy the Board of Directors that they have received a health profession education equivalent to that held by their Canadian counterparts. They must be licensed to practice in the country where they reside, and be in good standing, as well as have acupuncture or dry needling within their scope of practice.

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