Acupuncture insurance coverage is a c0mmon question. Many insurance plans offer coverage for acupuncture treatment. Contact your insurance company directly to find out if your plan covers acupuncture and any limits to the number of treatments its covers. Acupuncture may also be covered if you sustained a workplace injury or were injured in a motor vehicle accident.
Some insurance companies recognize the CAFCI designation and will reimburse you for acupuncture treatments by a practitioner who has trained with Acupuncture Canada. Some insurers will only reimburse you for acupuncture treatments delivered by a registered acupuncturist. Check with your insurance provider.
Although a health insurer may not always cover claims for acupuncture from anyone but a registered acupuncturist, you can be sure you are getting safe and effective acupuncture treatment by asking your healthcare provider if they have a CAFCI designation.