Acupuncture Canada


FAQs: About Acupuncture

Can I take courses with Acupuncture Canada?

Training with Acupuncture Canada is open to physicians, chiropractors, physiotherapists, dentists, acupuncturists, TCM doctors, TCM practitioners, baccalaureate-level registered nurses, occupational therapists, and naturopathic doctors. If you have a current license and acupuncture is part of your scope of practice, you are eligible to take our courses. Check with your regulator for any specific requirements.

Can acupuncture help my patients?

Acupuncture is used to treat a vast number of painful conditions such as sciatica, lower back pain, osteoarthritis of the knee, sprains and strains, whiplash and headaches, as well as neurological and other medical conditions. Acupuncture is especially effective for treating and managing pain. In some cases, acupuncture will bring about quicker or better resolutions of problems and it is an effective complement to standard care.

Can acupuncture help my career and my practice?

Using acupuncture can shorten the overall amount of treatment a client needs, keeping them happier and leading to a steady “word of mouth” referral process for your practice. Practitioners find they are able to treat certain pain and dysfunctions of the body that they weren’t able to treat before they started using acupuncture. Along with helping pain, acupuncture lets you help clients’ energy and stress too. Practitioners tell us adding acupuncture to their practice has increased their job satisfaction.

How will the CAFCI certification help my practice?

Acupuncture Canada’s certification is your patient’s assurance that you have trained with a leading provider of acupuncture education. Acupuncture Canada receives numerous telephone requests from the public for referrals to practitioners. We direct them to our website where they can search our member listings to find member bios, descriptions of their practices, and map locations with contact details. When they find who they’re looking for they can link directly to the member’s website.

Does Acupuncture Canada’s training program fulfill the requirements of my provincial college?

Many regulatory bodies require a certain number of hours of training as well as passing written and practical and safety exams. Acupuncture Canada offers a certification program that meets the requirements of all regulatory bodies across Canada.

How will the CAFCI certification help my career?

Patients increasingly search for health professionals who offer a holistic approach to health care, and many employers look for acupuncture certification. Acupuncture is a popular and safe treatment that integrates efficiently and effectively into your practice. It can deliver a fast and satisfactory outcome for your patients.

Where are courses offered?

Our education program is a blended-learning experience. The majority of the course will be online. The onsite, hands-on component of every course is offered in locations across the country. Check our schedule for the a course near you.

How much do the courses cost?

Registration fees vary. Please check under the Courses section of the website for details on each course. Examination fees are separate.

I need at least 200 hours of training in acupuncture before I can practice. Does Acupuncture Canada provide 200 hours of training?

Acupuncture Canada offers a 200-hour Core Program that leads to certification. Two sets of examinations are included with the Core Program.

How long would it take for me to complete the 200-hour Core Program?

The four courses that make up the 200-hour Core Program can be completed within a year. Students may also take them individually at their own pace.

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