Acupuncture Canada



Anatomy TV

The Acupuncture section of Anatomy TV is a web-based application for viewing the human body in 3D with reference to acupuncture point locations. The user can view the body from different regions, for example, head and neck, shoulder and arm, and hip and thigh. One can also choose different levels of complexity such as a purely musculoskeletal view that reveals just muscles and internal organs or a neurovascular view that includes nerves, arteries and veins in relation to the muscles and bones. In both cases, the user can choose different levels of depth, enabling them to visualize the deeper structures of the body and how they relate to different acupuncture points. While all the acupuncture points are viewable on the outer layers, certain points are illustrated with needles in place for all layers. There is also a searchable database for acupuncture points and different anatomical structures. In addition, muscle trigger point referral patterns are illustrated in one of the layers. All views can be rotated through 360 degrees and specific structures can be highlighted. Users can save and download different views for personal use.

How to Access Primal Anatomy TV Website

Access Primal Anatomy TV here, and enter:

Username: afci

Password: anatomy

This will take you directly to the Acupuncture resource page.


Additional Links

  1. American Academy of Medical Acupuncture:
  2. Australian Medical Acupuncture College:
  3. British Medical Acupuncture Society:
  4. Medical Acupuncture Society of New Zealand:
  5. National Acupuncture Detoxification Association:
  6. Acupuncture Sans Frontières:
  • Icon for Find a Practitioner Find a Practitioner
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