Membership provides access to Anatomy TV acupuncture section
The Acupuncture section of Anatomy TV is a web-based application for viewing the human body in 3D with reference to acupuncture point locations. The user can view the body from different regions, for example, head and neck, shoulder and arm, and hip and thigh. One can also choose different levels of complexity such as a purely musculoskeletal view that reveals just muscles and internal organs or a neurovascular view that includes nerves, arteries and veins in relation to the muscles and bones. In both cases, the user can choose different levels of depth, enabling them to visualize the deeper structures of the body and how they relate to different acupuncture points. While all the acupuncture points are viewable on the outer layers, certain points are illustrated with needles in place for all layers. There is also a searchable data base for acupuncture points and different anatomical structures. In addition, muscle trigger point referral patterns are illustrated in one of the layers. All views can be rotated through 360 degrees and specific structures can be highlighted. Users can save and download different views for personal use.
Access to the Latest Research
Stay current on the latest clinical research and treatment techniques with a free online subscription to Medical Acupuncture: The Official Journal of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. The subscription is available to members only.
Members also have access to online course materials from the acupuncture and dry needling programs. Members keep their access to the courses they’ve taken so they always have those resources handy.
Membership can increase the size of your practice and your network!
Acupuncture Canada receives numerous telephone requests from the public for referrals to practitioners. We direct them to our website where they can search our member listings to find a practitioner near to them, with contact details. Because Acupuncture Canada’s members represent a 40-year history of professional acupuncture in Canada and abroad you will benefit from first-rate professional networking opportunities. Our members come from a wide range of medical professions and are highly regarded for their integrity and professional standards. You’ll find that sharing your questions and ideas with our international network of members will advance your professional development and open up exciting new opportunities.
Become part of an active leading organization.
Our members are eligible for all Acupuncture Canada’s educational courses and special seminars. You will be notified of our upcoming events and be invited to attend annual meetings as well as participate on the Board of Directors or on Committees.
Stay up-to-date and save some money.
We offer members reduced rates on home and automobile insurance, and travel insurance through The Personal. You’ll also receive registration discounts on our seminars. And we’ll send you all the latest acupuncture news and information through our member eblasts.