Acupuncture Canada


Core Program

Acupuncture Canada offers a training program for regulated healthcare professionals who want to introduce acupuncture into their practice. The Core Program is made up of four courses that introduce you to acupuncture through a western-based anatomical or medical approach.

Anatomical acupuncture bridges the gap between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine. It is based on Western ideas on anatomy, physiology and diagnosis. It requires a thorough understanding of the anatomy related to the various acupuncture points as points are chosen based on the anatomy and physiology of the problems being treated.

The four courses in the Core Program are:

  • Foundations of Anatomical Acupuncture (AA1)
  • Clinical Applications in Anatomical Acupuncture (AA2)
  • Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine (BTCM)
  • Advanced Applications in Acupuncture (AA3)

Regulatory bodies across Canada, and elsewhere, have a variety of standards in place before a health professional can practice acupuncture.

Acupuncture Canada’s program is purposefully flexible to allow professionals the opportunity to complete the training required by their individual regulator for entry to practice. For example, most chiropractors in Canada require 200 hours of training plus an examination before being able to practice. Our Core Program offers 200 hours of training with follow-up exams. Physiotherapists in some provinces in Canada are required to complete the AA1 and AA2 courses plus examinations before being able to practice, so physiotherapists can take those two courses and complete the Level 1 Examinations to satisfy their regulators’ requirements.

If you have questions about what training you need to take, it is best to contact your regulator. And then, please feel free to ask us how our program can help you reach your training goals.

5 Great Reasons to Practice Acupuncture

Want to know more about why you should practice acupuncture? Please fill in the form below to download the “5 Great Reasons to Practice Acupuncture” document.

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