Acupuncture Canada



Special Seminar in June on Myofascial Pain Syndrome


Join us June 22-23, 2024 for a special seminar presented by Jay P. Shah, MD and John Srbely, DC, PhD. The seminar is:

Myofascial Trigger Points and Central Sensitization in Myofascial Pain Syndrome:
Exploring their Enigmatic Pathophysiology, Dynamic Clinical Manifestations and Novel Strategies for Optimizing Patient Outcomes

I recently interviewed Jay and John about the course. Participants will acquire an in-depth understanding of the emerging research characterizing the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). The curriculum will focus on a mechanism-based approach for the diagnosis and treatment of MPS, anchored in a neuro-segmental model that reflects the current understanding of the pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of central sensitization.

The course will also emphasize the application and interpretation of Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) diagnostic methods, such as algometry and the windup technique. These office-based methods will enable you to effectively measure the degree of patient sensitization.

Such measures will be presented as objective, clinically applicable, and grounded in the known mechanisms of MPS, thus equipping you with mechanism-based assessment tools that
you can seamlessly integrate into practice “on Monday morning”.

Non-pharmacological approaches such as dry needling, physical modalities (electrical stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound), and manual mobilization/manipulation will be discussed, demonstrated, and practiced. These techniques aim to deactivate painful myofascial trigger points (MTrPs), desensitize affected segments, and neuro-modulate subcortical dysfunction, providing more permanent pain and symptom relief. The diagnostic and treatment techniques presented in this workshop are applicable in the management of a variety of chronic myofascial and musculoskeletal pain conditions.

Watch an overview video.

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